Hi! I'm Christina, a User Experience & Visual Designer

I design websites and applications for desktop and mobile devices. I also collaborate with clients to develop brand identities and experiences.

Applying usability, beauty and function to all my designs, I've been able to partner with clients such as Lutron Electronics, Benjamin Obdyke Building Materials, Silicon Valley Bank, and Regions Bank.

Currently a Philadelphia based designer, having gained experience in UI/UX with Intuitive Company now EY Design Studio PHL , O3 World  and WebLinc now Workarea. I keep research, white boarding, prototyping and iterating in my design process. Prior, I refined my visual chops at G2 USA a Grey Global Group subsidiary.

When not designing, I enjoy running, yoga, sketching my next botanical illustration at Bloom Studio and joining my husband for a game of peek-a-boo with our two young sons.